date: 2006-04-14
subject: Spring in Madison
lj-entry-id: 618,10

Spring in Madison - 2006-04-14 - Entry 777 - TOGoS's Journal

Wednesday morning I had a dream that I had come to this building to get interviewed. It was sort of like around the Carrier Fare when a bunch of companies are doing on-campus interviews, except that it wasn't much like Ulsvik. Anyway, I was there to get interviewed by Epic, but first someone from some other company came out saying they wanted to interview me. So I went with them and they led me out the back door and said "we didn't really want to interview you, we just have a quota that we need to meet so we're making it look like we interviewed you". And then I walked beck to the lobby to wait for Epic. Eventually an Epic person came out and said that they were cancelling their interviews for today. So I went home.

At some point I looked at the clock and realized that it was 3:48, and I was supposed to get interviewed by Widen at 3:00. So I got all excited and I needed to call them and explain what happened.

After I woke up and was still in Platteville it took me a while to realize that I wasn't getting interviewed by Epic/Widen for another day.

Now that those interviews are over with (yay! I don't need to wear that suit for a while! I hope they both liked me!) I came home and played Dragon Wire 4. AAnd then we had a nasty hail storm for a few minutes. I thought chunks were going to come through the roof. And then I went to sleep and had a dream that Fizz and A-Day and I were hanging out somewhere (somehow I get the feeling we were in a travel trailer) working on a totally sweet ZDoom level. It was a big loop and had awesome round doors made of marble and shawn. And my mom was there serving us ravioli, and we each got a full helping of each of three different kinds of ravioli. And that was too much food.