date: 2006-05-06 23:00
subject: Pizza Adventure 3D
lj-entry-id: 620,216

Pizza Adventure 3D - 2006-05-06 23:00 - Entry 779 - TOGoS's Journal

I've been looking forward to this day the whole time I've been in college, and we finally did it. But first, we cleaned the house. Or at least the kitchen. Because I woke up to find WBen mowing the lawn (that's not been done since summer), and then Brose started doing dishes, and then I started organizing all our garbage. As other people woke up we made something resembling a party out of it, toward the end of which we started making pizzas for our upcoming adventure.

I didn't get any pictures of us actually making the pizzas, but here's one of ben cutting one up while everyone else hacked:

As we walked toward campus we looked totally bad-ass:

I saw some cute squirrels:

The roomies like this one where we were walking through Doudna because it looks like we're 'in control':

Entering Wilgus:

I didn't take many pictures of us actually walking through the dorms because there wasn't enough light and the pictures I did take came out all blurry and red. But here's a picture of some HOT GUYS from the window of Dobson:

I think these came after we left Wilgus:

We took a break to hack, like in the old days but without anybody smoking cloves:

A pretty tree:

Here we were trying to jump up on this concrete wall and Brose made a donation of skin to the sidewalk:

At about this point, WBen gave up because he is out of shape because he smokes a lot. The rest of us continued on and we wandered through Porter an Morrow and then I had Fizz stand by this tree because I thought it looked cool:

There was a nice sign on the wall in Brockert giving residents hints on ways to spend their time.

I took a sentimental detour through the basement. There were some guys there playing pool.

Out one of the windows we got a good view of the new dorm:

Hugunin has a better view of the glen than Glenview does. Note the crazy GIMPed clouds in the top-right:

After walking through every floor of every existing dorm, we trekked over toward the new building. Here's Fizz sitting by a firepit that used to be totally cool and secret but they destroyed all the brush so it's not secret any more.

There were pictures of me in here too, but I looked totally dumb so I will not include those pictures on this page.

A-Day, Brose, and I went up to the top floor of the new dorm building and I took some pictures from there. Here's the best one:

And here are some cool-looking pipes:

And some construction-related trailers:

After this we found Fizz and headed back. I actually went back towards Porter because I told Staboh (who lives there) that I would come visit and I felt bad that we had missed her before. But first, A-Day gave away 2/5ths of our pizza. That was a sad moment. Now he is mad at me for being sad that we lost our 2 best boxes of pizza and says he will no longer share his food with me.

Oh, and here's a picture from last month

A-Day finally getting that disgusting mold factory out of his room. (That's a pile of beer cans in the background. I wasn't here for whatever event that was associated with):

Some dreams by me from about a week ago

I was sitting in some computer lab in Memorial working on some project. Later I left. I went to Best Buy. All the CS professors were working there. I think I was supposed to fill out some papers and give them to someone, but I needed a tool that they had in a droor somewhere. Eventually I found it and filled out the forms and handed them in to Mohan, who was sitting in a chair under a wooden structure.

There was a (more recent, I think) dream in which I was with my mom biking on a bike trail that had a lot of bridges over small marshy areas surrounded by woods. They were 64-doom-unit wide bridges and they turned at 90 degree angles several times instead of just going straight to the other side. I figured out where I was based on the shape and size of nearby bridges. Then I went around a bend and headed northwards, after which it became less of a bike ride and more like a FPS in which I went a large stairway and ended up in a park at night with a streetlight over it. There was a girl there named "Amy" whom I knew from like 5th grade or something.

Also, in my notes on my dreams that I took during RTES, I have written "Moon trip, backyards, Crystalis, SMB-3-like area with spikes on ceiling". I vaguely remember that game (I was walking through the cave in Crystalis between Sahara and the pyramids before it transformed into SMB3, except it wasn't really much like SMB3), but I don't remember what 'moon trip' or 'backyards' was about.

A dream by WBen

WBen had a dream that he was with a bunch of people in a castle. The lower levels were being taken over by demons, and they had to keep moving up to higher levels. They were camping at one point, and while everyone else was sleeping, Ben realized that they were missing someone. Ben started yelling to wake everyone up, but then felt a cord wrap around his neck to strangle him. Someone flicked on a light and the demon, which looked like an Ewok with a hood and shiny eyes, disappeared in a poof of green smoke.

Some dreams by Fizz

It was night and Fizz and friends were by a scary lake. It was scary because there was all this machinery under the water. They were walking towards some monolithic skyscrapers in the distance. They got to the far end of the lake, and there was a big tall thing sticking out of the water. Fizz looked back toward the skyscrapers, still in the distance. One of them had a big circular hole in it through which the UW-P tower could be seen.

Later he was with Mark Lang, then it became Hayato, and later it turned into Brose. The guy was looking for chocolate baseball cards. Finally they came to the information desk of a big store and asked the lady that was sitting there where they could find chocolate baseball cards. She said they were in bin 69 of aisle 36, so they walked over to that aisle and when they got to bin 69, they found it full of giant carrots. Brose was super pissed and started throwing the carrots on the floor. Fizz looked away, and when he looked back Brose was just moving carots from the bin to the floor, an armfull at a time.

Caploe was Fizz's doctor, so he went to see Caploe, and Caploe told him that he had osteoporosis. Then Fizz climbed out the window. There were a bunch of German kids out there, and they were being mean to him, so he started being mean back. But then they made up and were friends.