date: 2006-06-08 11:45
tags: platteville-house-dreams
subject: upstairs devestation, OpenSVN
lj-entry-id: 635,73

upstairs devestation, OpenSVN - 2006-06-08 11:45 - Entry 794 - TOGoS's Journal

Drank too much coffee yesterday and haven't gotten enough sleep lately. Felt crappy. Played Dragon Wire 4 some more, skipped my nightly run, and went to bed early.

I had a dream that I was sitting around in the basement of 575 and something resembling a big disaster came and pretty much wiped out the upstairs of everywhere. Maybe it was a lot of wind, or a comet, or a bomb. I was under the impression that it was global in scope. I was glad that I had been in the basement, as everything down there seemed to be just fine. My computers even kept running and talking over the intarweb. I went outside and eventually found Fizz and some other people who had had similar experiences. It seemed everything was going to be alright, though we didn't know how much longer our electronics would keep working now that everything above ground had been destroyed.

I need to get those turtle pictures from yesterday online and work on Crapi. I've managed to OpenSVN in to my Linux box from work. I'm actually SSHing in right now to write this entry, and the lag is quite tolerable. Now I won't need to send everything through yahoo notepad any more.