date: 2000-06-24
content-type: text/html
description: jupiter dream
lj-entry-id: 128,191

jupiter dream - 2000-06-24 - Entry 8 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night I had a crazy dream. We (Me and about 10 other people, I guess) went to explore jupiter after someone vaporized the atmosphere. On the surface, we landed next to a big bunch of trees and some paved bike paths. We got out and everyone started trying to kill eachother with knives. I went around and tried to get them to cut it out with a big gun. I found that I could fly around in this world. All I had to do was think of what I wanted to do and it would happen. I went around flying over trees and stuff.

Fizz or Travis was supposed to call me today, but they haven't yet (as of 14:47)