date: 2006-07-04 3:09
subject: Just back from Ben's bonfire
lj-entry-id: 641,236

Just back from Ben's bonfire - 2006-07-04 3:09 - Entry 801 - TOGoS's Journal

I hate little kids. Especially when they take my pillows and sleep in my bed without even asking.

It's also annoying that putty won't let me use my numeric keypad.

And msec is one of ths dumbest things ever invented. I finally went through and did a "find -name msec" and "rm -rf"ed everything it came across. Somehow I don't think that will be sufficient.

Otherwise, we went to Blue Mounds today and I took pictures of my head.

And later Fizz and I checked out a bonfire party at Ben's house that was nice.