tags: boating-dreams, river-dreams
date: 2006-08-14
lj-entry-id: 656,18

2006-08-14 - Entry 817 - TOGoS's Journal

Had a nice dream about walking around by this river near where it met a lake. Along the lakeshore was a bit woodsy, and I had been climbing back and forth through it to get from place to place. There was a bridge across the river, and a path. It was a lot like the region around Vilas park. And the dream was probably inspired by my trip to Elver park yesterday that I took to see how well I could bike with my broken finger (good enough, it seemed, that I'm riding my bike to work again at least for a few days). Also I'm reminded of a dream I had a few nights ago in which I was with some friends (relatives?) canoeing around exploring some lakes. It was very similar to several other boat-based dreams I've since my canoe adventure with Joh last summer.

I recently noted that making worlds with the world designer was about the most fun part of D5.2 (aside from those first few days that were just rediculously fun because none of us had done such a thing before, and I should also note that being able to actually walk around in your world and get a sense of its scale certainly enhanced the fun of the world designer), I've decided that a good project is to re-create that into a more...flexible...thing. One obstacle is that I'm not exactly sure what I want it to do different from D5.2's world designer. I've also been thinking about / half-prototyping some ideas for how to go about this.