date: 2006-10-21 0:50
subject: Adventures in IP networking
lj-entry-id: 690,9

Adventures in IP networking - 2006-10-21 0:50 - Entry 860 - TOGoS's Journal

T drive not working for Fizz.
Maybe IP addresses changed?
Those static routes might not be valid.
Should see if I can generalize the static route hack to the entire
Yup, works here.
Do it on Walton router, too.
Can't log in.
Where'd I put the friggin' password?
Don't know.
Can't remember.
Probably on a piece of paper on my desk at work.
Go to sleep.
How'd I send it to work?
Yahoo friggin' notepad!
Wake up, turn everything back on.
Yahoo notepad....Walton router...there it is!
Log in, re-jig routes, re-start.
Can't connect, wait a while.
I can connect from, not from here.
Must've messed up the routes. text browser is worthless for this.
Too many dependencies on fancy browsers.
Go looking for proxies.
Web-based proxies worthless.
Need to find open HTTP proxy.
Found one.
Works OK, but real slow.
Find another. Planetlab or somesuch.
Very speedy. Great.
Fix typo in network address (s/19/69/)
Can't restart. Planetlab servers don't like POSTs.
Go back to the slow proxy.
OK, hit button. All good.
Still there.
All good.
Now I can sleep.