date: 2006-11-29 15:19
subject: Subernova, rockets, Orlando onramps, kamikaze squirrels
lj-entry-id: 695,156

Subernova, rockets, Orlando onramps, kamikaze squirrels - 2006-11-29 15:19 - Entry 868 - TOGoS's Journal


I came to work one day, parked my bike in a dark room in the basement as I usually did, and walked upstairs to find that a bunch of suits had taken over our desks and were looking through all our files. It was very obnoxious. Ben Dotte was standing next to me and said "this is the dumbest day ever".

I seem to remember driving around in a canyon with a tank after that, as if I was in some sort of war game. We had to get to the other end of the canyon, but there were missles flying everywhere, and it didn't seem very likely that we would make it. Fortunately, there were a lot of us (a lot of friends in tanks), so maybe a few of us would get through.

The days had all been pretty dark lately. It was never sunny out when I went to or from work. One night I came out and it seemed more bright than usual. I looked into the sky and saw something that I at first thought must be the sun. But it didn't light up the whole sky like the sun would. It was a star. I watching some online news clip that talked about how the outer shell of the star had been blown away, and we were all being soaked by some sort of radiation.


I was staying in a big farm house with a bunch of other people about my age, maybe from Hoofers. Then a tornado came and started tearing the house apart from the outside in. It was scary because we didn't know if it would pass by before it reached all the way to the closet in the center where we were staying.

There was a route I liked to take home from work that followed a path along the side of some hills through a forest. It curved around a valley between the hills that had a lake somewhere at the bottom. One time as I was biking across a familiar road I saw these flames periodically flare out of the path. At first I thought it was just my eyes, but I eventually realized that there were rockets falling down near me. Off to the right in a clearing there were some goofy kids setting them off. I told them to be more careful, because they almost hit me several times.

Later, about a quarter of the way around the valley and farther up the hills, I stopped for a bit to enjoy the air and took my shoes off. I forgot to put them back on and had to come back after biking farther when I remembered.

And then I was driving around on some beaches in a truck. It was fun. I was watchign someone else drive around some ponds (it was a very convoluted shoreline; something my terrain generator might come up with) in a motorboat that supposedly had the capability to cross over sandbars. It didn't look like they were having much success crossing the beach between the pond and the lake.


The whole family (well, me, Mom, and Heather, at least) was down visiting Dawne in Florida. We went off to someplace, driving along numerous highways, onramps, more highways, past forests of palm trees, more onramps. It was interesting, but all the highways we went on looked the same. Even after we had taken the route several times I could still not keep track of where we were along it.

I was at NFJS again, but this time I was there with folks from high school. And between lectures we'd come out and sit on the floor of the main lobby. I don't remember what the building was like, but I think it was cooler than that hotel that we stayed in in real life. Or maybe it was just fun sitting around on the floor with friends. We ate food while we sat there, too.


Came in to work, started complaining that there wasn't enough orange juice around. Should have an orange juice machine in addition to the coffee machine.

Some short guy, maybe Chris Gondolfo, was hanging out with us. At the back of my garage I drew a charicature of him with dry erase markers. It turned out looking really good, due to little accidental things that looked cool. I couldn't reproduce it if I wanted to. Then he came in and erased it. I was super pissed. I was making this girl that was there try and draw it again after she tried to tell me it wasn't so bad. Which was stupid because I knew she wouldn't be able to make it like it was. I felt crappy. Then this goofy squirrel came in and bit me, holding on to me with his teeth. I'd get him off and toss him away from me, but he kept coming back and doing it again in different places. Finally I put him on a small rocket and fired it off, watching it fly across the beltline, over the golf course, and probably landing somewhere miles away. At least it would be a while before he could get to me again. Then as I laid down in the garage to admire my artwork some more I felt something by my head. It was another squirrel. I panicked, thinking it would bite me just the same, but this one didn't.