date: 2006-12-12 21:55
subject: New plan
lj-entry-id: 698,17

New plan - 2006-12-12 21:55 - Entry 874 - TOGoS's Journal

Make lunch in the morning, not the night before.

Go to sleep early (I've been wearing my earplugs to sleep for the last week or so, and turning my alarm volume way up to compensate, so getting woken up by folks is no longer an issue).

Get to work preferrably before 8:15, so you can leave soon after the stand up, get home and work on stuff for a while.

Don't keep eating when you're not hungry.

Keep running every night, even if it's cold.

Dedicate half the weekend to adventures, and the other half to doing nothing (sleep in, have soup for lunch, work on cleaning room or writing journal entries).

Try to save the computer jazz for work, even if it's not work-related. If you don't get around to working on some pointless thing, that's OK. It probably would be dissapointing anyway.

Still working on 2006 Chronicles, and another few recent entries. DanListView leaves little time for working on such things.