date: 2006-12-14 11:35
subject: Fizz driving dream
lj-entry-id: 699,42

Fizz driving dream - 2006-12-14 11:35 - Entry 876 - TOGoS's Journal

[10:54] BoxOfLAME: I had a dream
[10:54] BoxOfLAME: that we had gone running
[10:54] BoxOfLAME: and it was late at night
[10:55] BoxOfLAME: and we were driving in your car and it was getting light out
[10:55] BoxOfLAME: and there were little rainbows all over the sky
[10:55] BoxOfLAME: and we were both acting really goofy
[10:55] BoxOfLAME: and I wondered why we were like that
[10:55] BoxOfLAME: and I figured it was because we hadn't gotten enough sleep
[10:56] BoxOfLAME: and we met up with Bob at a bar somewhere
[11:05] BoxOfDumb: that's awesome