date: 2007-01-06 17:18
subject: Just some dumb dreams that I took too long to write down
lj-entry-id: 708,129

Just some dumb dreams that I took too long to write down - 2007-01-06 17:18 - Entry 883 - TOGoS's Journal

I tried to write a program called "GR3T" but it was a ton of work so I stopped. Now I'll write about the dreams I had.

In one there was this hill with a road that spiralled up to the top and a lot of people going up there for some kind of event. And I'm not sure if it was before or after that, but all those people were going to die for some reason if the Enterprise didn't make a shield for the planet and I thought that was so dumb because it ought to melt. Bah, that dream turned out stupid. There had been something cool going on before that Star Trek stuff, though.

There was this RPG I was playing. Except since it was a dream everything seemed more important than if it was just a game. My guys were all powered up with pretty much the best of each weapon. The weapons were like those from Crystalis - fire and water and wind and such, with balls and bracelets to let you throw stuff. The most powerful form of each weapon would throw this big old creature that was like another member of our party. The fire one was this big head and he looked like a lion. But he moved real slow because we had forgotten to upgrade the speed on that sword.

Anyway, we had wandered into this place with a big wall and we stranded ourselves at the bottom of the wall by not being able to jump high enough to get to some of the ledges that led up to the top. I think the king came out and scolded us or something. And our fire demon was sad.

And of course there was other stuff that made it cooler that I just don't remember.