date: 2007-02-12
subject: Lava under the grass
lj-entry-id: 722,19

Lava under the grass - 2007-02-12 - Entry 897 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreampt that years ago there had been a volcano in our back yard, about halfway between where the pond and the hole now are. It had been like that for a few months, and then gone away. It was sort of scary because if the ground was so thin that lava was coming through in that little part of the back yard, it might come through the bottom of the house, too. I wondered why I hadn't hit lava when I dug the hole.

I looked at a map that showed volcanic activity in Wisconsin. It was all blank except for a red spot in our back yard.

Later I realized that I must have only dreampt all that. We never had a volcano in our back yard :P

Later yet I was in P-ville, and I ran into Claire Curley coming out of a bar (either I was or she was, I don't remember. Or maybe we were just both walking by the bars).