date: 2001-05-21
content-type: text/html
description: NL7, Bionic Commando, Party with food, SMB 5.1-end, ssserv
lj-entry-id: 167,102

NL7, Bionic Commando, Party with food, SMB 5.1-end, ssserv - 2001-05-21 - Entry 95 - TOGoS's Journal

Here's what I put in my 'Dance Journal' on Friday:

Hmmm... Not much has changed since last time. I wrote a newsletter last night - included a thing about microsuck time-traveller and my rant on purity. I posted it on cg2, but didn't send it because I had booted into Windos (to use KaZaA) and forgot the list of e-mail addresses. Also finished my Physics Project - Found the efficiency of my motorized thing with wheels (was 4%, which is pretty good) I had gotten out 9 feet of dental floss and had my motor wind it up with the maximum possible weight on it, did some calculations, and compared with the input work. TOdAy @ sK0ol, printed out NL7 (latest newsletter I wrote last night), and got all my work turned in (for once) that wuz nice. My PLproject (in drafting) is going pooty nice. I'm making a 3-D model of the building in Auto CAD. Finished work in Econ, now I have to make up a dance. I don't know how to do that. Oh, well...

SpookShare's goin' pooty good too.

On Friday I added my latest PETA letter to the end of the newsletter and explained all that. I then sent the newsletter, and worked on my server thing for a while.

Saturday morning I had some weird dream involving Mrs. Dubielzig or whatever her name was living in Atticus's house and being a dentist. Then I woke up, and Mom was asking me if I wanted to go to some party for Mr. Sisler (retiring, I guess). I then went and played Bionic commando (Dad had just fixed the controller) That was a neat game. I beat it in about an hour. It used to be a lot harder...

Today I worked on the thingy some more. Something wasn't working - couldn't start the listener (turned out an old process was still runniong that shouldn't have been). I then went to some party with Mom, on the way to which we picked up Ellen (Mom's friend), and I read the latest newsletter, skipping over the purity part, (back to the party) where they had good food. It was up in some fancy condo near the Capital, and I got a crane (Peace Craft). Came home, figured out problem. Went upstairs sometime later, dad had been playing SMB, was at world 5. I beat it.