date: 2007-08-05 16:20
tags: mountain-dreams
subject: Mt. Horeb, sitting, D6.0
lj-entry-id: 773,245

Mt. Horeb, sitting, D6.0 - 2007-08-05 16:20 - Entry 965 - TOGoS's Journal

Yesterday YC and I biked to Mt. Horeb for National Mustard Day. It rained for most of our bike ride. In Mt. Horeb we bought mustard custard with pretzel topping. It was actually pretty good. We also got kettle corn, and that was kind of gross. On the way out of town YC bought a couple of 'emergency rain ponchos'. They were thin transparent plastic and ripped easily. We biked back in the rain wearing those, and got wet in the feet anyway. I got stung by a bee in the hand. Almost back home I got a terribly flat tire. A guy in a truck with a mustache and a couple of teenage girls gave us a ride the rest of the way to my house.

I dreamt that I was going to work for some company that was near mountains. At my interview/first day, a guy walked me into the mountains to show me around. They were pretty and grassy and green. My job was to help write a garbage collector. I visualized it as dumping objects down a chute when the user requested an out of date object so that a new one would automatically be created.

I was up in ths sky flying across Europe at night. I was in a fancy airplane that had my office in it. I was thinking of throwing a note off the balcony (the plane had an outdoor balcony).

YC was going to come over after buying new break pads and we would fix her bike, but she hurt her ankle, so we'll have to do that another day.

I'm considering going down and doing a kayak lake lesson tomorrow. I'll need to buy some gear first. And fix my tire.

I'm working on D6.0, and A-Day is talking to me about some dream he had a few nights ago.

bluebasser02: i had a lucid dream some days ago
bluebasser02: it's been a REALLY long time since that happened
bluebasser02: i remember in the dream i was flying, then figured i must be dreaming, controlled it, then remembered i had just earlier talked to some girls in this dream.
bluebasser02: if i was so in control, i'd be having sex with them soon. turns out tho, that i got distracted talking to them, got really bored, then moved on to the next dream totally unlucid.
bluebasser02: there was another one where i got possessed by some god of chaos
bluebasser02: and i could fly again
bluebasser02: but i wanted to really mess people and stuff up
BoxOfLAME: 11
bluebasser02: and so i was flying around again, and i kissed this pole, and everyone who'd walk by this pole would catch a disease that made them die in a day and whoever they came in contact with would contract the disease
bluebasser02: after kissing this pole
bluebasser02: i realized i didn't want to do that
bluebasser02: so i forgot it happened and nothing happened
bluebasser02: so i talked to some people again
bluebasser02: and they wanted something behind this glass, but it was a glass cube
bluebasser02: so i put my hand thru the glass and reached for the thing. it felt like my whole hand was getting cut by glass, but i figured that's just the way it goes
bluebasser02: i took my hand out, reformed the glass so it didn't have my wrist hole in it, and gave them the thing they wanted. i think i became human again and moved to the next dream.
BoxOfLAME: that's awesome
BoxOfLAME: you should LJ that
bluebasser02: *shrugs*
bluebasser02: i only care about talking to you anyways
bluebasser02: and i'll keep these logs
BoxOfLAME: me2
BoxOfLAME: ohh that's so sweet
bluebasser02: ty