date: 2007-08-07 (Tuesday) 15:00
subject: Impact Solutions
lj-entry-id: 775,12

Impact Solutions - 2007-08-07 (Tuesday) 15:00 - Entry 967 - TOGoS's Journal

Stayed up until 4 messing with d6_0.Scene. Then I went with Ma and Timmy to the airport to get Timmy on his plane. It was thundering and lightninging and raining on the way over. Waiting for Ma to come back through security I read a bit of 'Off On A Comet' and dozed off (not having slept for a while). Then we drove home under a blue and non-raining sky and I went to sleep on the floor for a while.

Then Ma woke me up because some lady from 'Impact Solutions' was talking and giving me a phone interview. Turns out they're some recruiting company. Then Hannah came over. We ate lunch and then went for a bike ride and messed with the brown garbage buckets behind ORE and I ATMed 100$ and bought bike tire repair stuff from Ace.