date: 2007-10-06 23:23
subject: Sleepwalking
lj-entry-id: 789,207

Sleepwalking - 2007-10-06 23:23 - Entry 982 - TOGoS's Journal

Greggor stayed over last night, I think because he's at some party for Erbs tonight. So I went and spent the night with YC. We went moonlight canoeing first. Despite both of us not bringing flashlights, we agreed that it was the best moonlight canoeing ever. Paddling was really easy. We were way out ahead. I'm not sure if that was because I picked out a longer paddle or because we had a lighter boat.

After we got back I fell asleep really quickly while YC was taking a shower. I dreampt about riding around on trains and really narrow little train tracks that you could ride your bike really fast on. And some kind of place. And I dreampt that my parents lived in a house like ours but with 5 floors. Sometimes I forgot about the top or bottom floors and it was confusing. And last I dreampt that one of Fizz's P-ville friends was breaking my 6-pack of gross beer and I was getting mad about it.

YC didn't get much sleep (she still hasn't gotten used to Wisconsin time yet from her 2 and a half weeks in Taiwan), so when I was up she wanted to keep sleeping, so I headed home. I meant to write some awesome programs or something but I guess I was mostly not sure of what I actually wanted to do. Maybe I should work on those LED strobe lights instead of software for a while. I got pretty far in Metroid 3, though.