date: 2007-10-20 14:08
subject: Time Travelling Lego Air Platform
lj-entry-id: 792,131

Time Travelling Lego Air Platform - 2007-10-20 14:08 - Entry 985 - TOGoS's Journal

The first dream I don't remember much about, except that one of my rats was still alive and I managed to lose her while paying attention to some other activity (involving a fat version of YC and some other girl). I found her a week later, still alive but very hungry. I gave her some raisin bran.

In the later dream, I was building the top of a skyscraper out of legos. I was making it mostly red and black, and wondering if I should be using other colors, too. I decided to keep going with red as I built a tippy-top thing that just kept getting taller and taller until I topped it off with an antenna piece. The rest of the roof was shaped sort of like a hershey's kiss - round, pointy in the middle, and curving down at the edges.

As I worked on finishing up the edge, I left one section somewhat open, as a kind of service point. There were some random technical doodads exposed in there, and a switch, and I was trying to lay things out so that there were usually a few pieces of equippment or a wall between where the service guy would be working and the edge of the roof. I imagined myself in his place...

It seemed like there were a few other people in this place with me. I wandered out of the service area that I had been building, towards the middle of the structure, trying to see how this place was layed out and where the bathrooms were (I found a few) and if there were any other people around.

The place was not the roof of a skyscraper. It hovered in the air on its own, and at the moment we were flying over an ocean. At first it was just me and a few other people (there was a Japanese lady who had designed this ship and took the place of YC in my mind). As time went on it became a large party. Most of the ship was taken up by a large lawn-like area where most people were sitting, with the rest (including the bathroom area I had explored before) forming walls on 2 sides. The other edges seemed a bit dangerous, and I wondered if anyone else worried about falling off whenever the platform jerked a little bit.

It was very hazy where we were. If you did look over the edge you might be able to see the ocean below, but mostly you just saw fog. Dark fog, too. It seemed to be late evening or night time. A group of people were putting on a 3D light show. They used the clouds that we were in to shine lazers off of, and made it look like things were flying around right above our heads.

At about that time it was announced that it was time for us to go home. They'd be travelling back through time to the times that each person on board belonged and let us all off. The first stop was in 1905, where the time travelling system on the ship broke down and stranded everyone who didn't belong there. We found a bunch of fat men with mustaches and cigars hanging around swimming pools. There were things you could jump on and bounce around, and we had a fun time, and it made it not so bad to be stuck in 1905.