date: 2007-11-15 (Thursday)
tags: rts-dreams
subject: Sucking at sleeping
lj-entry-id: 797,118

Sucking at sleeping - 2007-11-15 (Thursday) - Entry 990 - TOGoS's Journal

2 or 3 nights ago I had a dream that I was playing some RTS game. I was in charge of these fuzzy blue robot/creatures. I only had those 3, and I had to keep them hidden because the enemy would kill us really easily if they found us, so I was hiding them in an obscure cave. One of them was a doctor, and one of them was in charge of making weapons. His weapon making was slow, though, and we weren't very powerful. I sensed that the baddies were coming our way, so I had to evacuate these guys to a different part of the world, but it was very risky because they might see us. I had the impression that it was Fizz coming after me.

My mind always plays DTD while I'm falling asleep these days. Luke stomps on the floor above me and yells at the cat and drops silverware. It prevents me from getting to sleep and it's very annoying. Last night he even came down into the basement to mess with the electrical box. It was lame.

I got to a cool place in Chrono Trigger the other day.