date: 2007-11-21 12:53
subject: Plasma balls
lj-entry-id: 800,69

Plasma balls - 2007-11-21 12:53 - Entry 994 - TOGoS's Journal

As I was dozing off to sleep last night I noticed that the light at the far end of the basement was on. I was pretty sure it hadn't been on when I came down. Was Luke down there messing with the fuse box again? I went to check it out. Nobody was there, but with the light on I did get a better look at that part of the basement than I ever had before. There was a door there that I never noticed before, and opening it I found a room that I couldn't see to the back of because it was full of stuff. Also, to the left of the door was another dark, mostly isolated little room. I didn't want to poke around too much for fear that someone would jump out at me.

I went upstairs and asked atticus if anyone had come downstairs, and he said not that he knew of. He came and chekced it out with me. This time I looked around a bit more, into the room behind the door and the room to the left. Behind the door was a pile of doors, and to the left was full of insulation falling from the ceiling and some other random pieces of wood. We decided it must just have been the electical wiring doing weird tricks. I turned off the light and went to sleep.

I dreampt that I was with YC and A-Day, outside on some trip away from Madison. I learned that if I held my hands up to the sun I could collect the energy and throw fireballs. Similarly I could throw balls of lightning or gaseous ice after holding my hands up to different things. Someone told us that it was the 2 silver bumps above our foreheads that allowed us to do this.

Later there was something about being in a restaurant and having to use a urinal in a bathroom with about 50 of them randomly arranged into lines. I was thinking about whether or not a person could still create fireballs if one of their knobs was damaged.