date: 2007-12-16
tags: skiing, olpc, photos
subject: 1000 entries, but not all on LJ!
lj-entry-id: 807,105

1000 entries, but not all on LJ! - 2007-12-16 - Entry 1000 - TOGoS's Journal

Yeterday we went skiing again, at Gov. Dodge all day. On the way back we stopped at the Grumpy Troll in Mt. Horeb and ate a bunch of fries and portabella sandwiches and commie stout (I forgot what the actual name of the beer was).

Big John catching up cool waterfall place Grumpy Troll bathroom

Arriving home, I found that I had recieved a package (it was sitting on the front porch, waiting to be stolen).

XO! Wooo!

I dreampt that Olsteada had come over and was stashing all her stuff in our attic, including an aquarium with a mouse living in it. This caused the house to fall over and everything became a huge mess. I woke up into a different dream where I was standing by a window packing grocery bags together, and this mean looking little kid kept looking at my reflection in the window. It was dark and creepy but I knew that it was a dream and that I was in control. The only problem was I could only think of creepy things to happen. The kid turned into a doll and I picked it up and it started biting my hand.

Then I woke up for real and checked the house for burglars, and then went back to sleep.

I dreampt that I was living in an apartment building. I stepped outside one day to find that all the snow had melted and the grass and all the trees were green and the air was cool and smelled really nice. I was running around the building trying to find someone to go play outside with. I found a party where I ran into Tammy Islam from high school. I asked her if she wanted to go do anything and she said she we should go play baseball, but she just took me to her apartment where we played some baseball game on the SNES with the blinds down. It was kind of depressing. I really just wanted to go outside...