date: 2007-12-11 15:08
tags: railroad-dreams, liana-dreams
subject: Indian Lake Skiing, Electric Blue
lj-entry-id: 806,195

Indian Lake Skiing, Electric Blue - 2007-12-11 15:08 - Entry 999 - TOGoS's Journal

YC and I went skiing with some Hoofers at Indian Lake on Saturday. It was cold. Also on Saturday, I finished Chrono Trigger. Joh said I haven't really finished it until I've gotten all 12 endings. Rather than New Game+ing, I started playing Ico. I also started working on TOGBrush2 related stuff again, added a shadow renderer and a really simple UI for showing generated scenes (I plan to ignore the real-time stuff and the scripting stuff until I have a need for it, as the complications it added were probably the main reason I haven't worked on TOGBrush2 lately). I'm hoping to get it to render some trees for me that I can use in ZDoom levels.

I had a dream one night about riding around on a railroad in some future city. I don't remember much else about it that I can describe, except that towards the end I was hiding from some (government?) bullies, and I did some acrobatics into a large courtyard at the east end of the tracks while running from them, and there was some kind of large airship there.

The next night I dreampt that I was sitting at home in the bathroom doing my solid waste business, when Fizz just busted in and started asking me about something. I told him to leave and close the door and I'd get back to him later, but he insisted on asking now. Joh and Atticus also walked in and complained that I was taking too long in the bathroom. I finally accepted the fact that they weren't going to leave and the song 'Electric Blue' played in my head.

Next night dream: I was with a small group of people and we had all been given an assignment to make a maze for the others in some set amount of time (seemed like a few hours), but I spent most of mine playing Bejeweled and Desktop Tower Defense, and ended up making a pretty mediocre and not very creative maze.

The time came to go and check out other people's mazes. First we all went to see Liana's (Liana Prescott from Memorial - she seems to randomly show up in my dreams from time to time) maze, which at first glance seemed very strange because it only had a few very narrow passages, but as I walked through I realized that the lining of the passages was a soft, rubbery sheet, and that if I felt around under it, near the floor, I could find prizes. I found a stash which included a pair of pink sunglasses. As I stood around and wished I had thought of putting prizes in my own maze, one of the other students was uncovering a larger stash behind mine that held Wiis and Pop Tarts.

We went to one more maze - this one was by a big college-looking guy. It seemed to be made out of iron fences in a school yard, but I wasn't sure if that was actually his maze or not. He made us come into his house and lock the door behind us before he would show us anything. It was weird.

Finally, I dreampt this morning about driving around downtown in my Geo, though I sometimes had downtown Madison confused with Manhattan. I had left my car somewhere downtown to be repaired, but as YC and I drove it westward past a Civil War reinactment, I realized that most of the panels that formed ths kin of the car were still missing, and all sorts of gears and wires and tubes (it looked like a sparse TEKWALL4). So I drove back downtown and parked somewhere on N Breese, near the stadium. I walked around on the Union terrace for a while trying to find Liana (somehow I had figured that she was the one who was fixing my car), but the only people around were a bunch of orchestra students practicing on their cellos. It was Saturday night, after all.