tags: rts-dreams
date: 2007-12-19 15:24
subject: Tiny little fruits, edible by k-bots
lj-entry-id: 810,17

Tiny little fruits, edible by k-bots - 2007-12-19 15:24 - Entry 1003 - TOGoS's Journal

A few nights ago I had a dream involving a dark labyrinth possibly leading to a different, otherwise inaccessible space. I don't remember much about that part, except for coming out the other end onto the top of a building and wondering if Fizz could come pick me up in his airplane before realizeing that he couldn't, because the only way to get here was through the tunnel. The other part of the dream was about Fizz's airplane, which he had gotten cheap somehow. It could fly like a plane but then land like a helicopter. I wanted one.

Last night I dreampt that Fizz and Joh and Atticus and I were playing a game similar to Total Annihilaion. It was going to be me and Fizz vs Joh and Atticus, and Fizz and I had a bad feeling that they were going to win pretty easily. They started out in a concrete hallway with a gap full of water down the middle. Fizz and I left that place and walked along a perpendicular corridor thinking about how we were going to lose until we walked past a park full of trees that I recognised as having zillions of tiny orange fruits. You could feed those fruits to your guys to get them to grow faster, so we quickly set up our base there and started building (to build k-bots you had to put down a stone building - we tried tupperware at first but that didn't work. A ceramic bowl did the trick). Soon I had thousands of little k-bots available and sent them flying to a hollow in a tree, where they flew around and hung out.

I think YC is coming over after work and we're going to play Carcassonne.