date: 2007-12-23
subject: Boonies
lj-entry-id: 811,177

Boonies - 2007-12-23 - Entry 1004 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreams from last night:

I was skiing with YC and some other folks up a big hill. It sort of reminds me of a dream I had where I was running up and down these huge hills behind Elver park, mostly because it took place on a big hill, I guess. I remember in part of it, we had just gone over a peak and around a curve, and then we came to a creek. I had to jump across onto chunks of ice and duck under a log.

In another dream I was going to see some movies with Armstrong and Atticus and Fizz. I wasn't sure if we were actually paying to see 3 movies or if we were just going to pay for one but see 3. It would be a while before the first one started, so I went outside the theater and started exploring all these funny little railroads made of shiny metal bars. Different ones were different shapes and sizes and made of different metals. Some of them just went around in a circle to act as a runner for a door or part of a water pump, but one of them had a little mine cart-type car on it and went off and around a corner.

I spent too much time looking at that and missed the first movie.

In the last dream I remember, the Waltons had all moved into an apartment in one of those new-fangled housing developments off in the boonies. They were about to take their vacation and I was supposed to hang out at their place and take care of the cat. I complained about how long the bus ride was to get there and about how I wasn't even sure what part of Madison this was. Eventually I found out by looking at a bus route map that their place was in a development that was way down south, and didn't really even connect to the rest of the city except by touching another long ellipse-shaped residential area that connected to the south west corner of Madison (more south than west), sort of where Fitchburg is in real life.