tags: rts-dreams
date: 2008-02-19 11:55
subject: AoE, TAK edition
lj-entry-id: 823,96

AoE, TAK edition - 2008-02-19 11:55 - Entry 1017 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreampt that I was playing AoE against A-Day. In this version of the game I could build gates with trap doors under them. If he tried to walk his guys through the door would open up and they'd all fall in. This seemed to be helping me out quite a bit, as I wasn't otherwise very prepared when he came to attack me. I was having a hard time creating skirmishers because the building that made them was surrounded by white pillars, and I had to click on a particular pillar to make skirmishers, but I always had to guess which one. And in place of skirmishers I had basilisks. I focused my attention elsewhere for a bit and when I came back to the game it seemed I had wiped him out completely, as all the dots on the map were red (I was red, he was blue). There was an area in the corner of the map that looked like it had had a terrible battle in it, with dead reptiles scattered all over, but the bodies made a very organized shape.