date: 2008-02-25 14:53
subject: Bird cage theater
lj-entry-id: 824,221

Bird cage theater - 2008-02-25 14:53 - Entry 1018 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was watching an episode of Star Trek TOS. Captain Cirk was sitting around watching Star Wars on a large screen and McCoy came in and told him not to pay any attention to 'that hogwash'.

We went to some planet that was violently changing shape. Kirk said that it was unrealistic, but someone replied that it didn't need to be realistic to be scary.

We beamed down and were walking along these grassy paths. You had to walk on the paths because otherwise you'd fall into a black pit and respawn where we had originally landed and have to do it all over again. There was a line of people doing this - it seemed like people I knew from high school.

Eventually I managed to follow the path far enough without falling off that I came to the end of it. It was actually pretty close to where we had started, but it looped around a pit so you couldn't go there directly.

I was walking through hallways in this city and someone I was walking with was teaching me some words in German. Then they started telling me about bird cage theater, which was where either the audience or the players would hang out in one of these large, distorted birdcages hanging from the ceiling of a dark room with a street through the middle and little shops around it. Everyone there was dressed up in late 1800s-style suits and dresses.

Then the street became a country road near Minneapolis, and I was catching up with some friends at a gas station, and we were going on a road trip.

I have a new web site. Send me all your Obamas.