date: 2008-03-03 (Monday) 09:28
subject: Primaries, Crumpl workings-on, Ghosts
lj-entry-id: 825,36

Primaries, Crumpl workings-on, Ghosts - 2008-03-03 (Monday) 09:28 - Entry 1019 - TOGoS's Journal

Sometime last week I dreampt that Obama won Ohio, but Hillary won Texas.

YC and I went skiing in the arboretum with the hoofers. We skied around on the south side of the beltline, where I had never skied before, but where my mom and I used to walk a lot when she was an arboretum ranger, and I always thought it would be a neat place to ski for all the hills.

I've been working on Crumpl lately, and this weekend made a lot of progress on the north west corner of the level, near the exit. I used TOGoSTree4 to generate some ferns to make it look extra pretty once you finally make it outside :)

Last night I had a dream that I was trying to learn German again, and there was some 4-letter word starting with 'F' that didn't really sound German at all, actually it sounded Chinese, but I didn't know what it meant, so I asked my mom, since she knew more German than I did. She said it meant 'idiom', and then everything made sense.

I'm working from home today because I had a gross cough last night and it's slushy outside. It's pretty nice because I can stop and make soup or take a nap whenever I feel like it.

Fizz told me about a dream that he was with a class on a mountain taking an extreme sports lesson. The instructor gave a cheesy speech about why he likes to do stuff like that, but it was kind of a good speech, too. It was actually a really good speech. He said something about taking out his 'thing' and going down the mountain, and everybody laughed, thinking he was being vulgar. At the end of the speech he got out his sled and started going down a really steep, dangerous part of the mountain. Everyone was like 'oh my god!', but then the sled started flying up in the air. Fizz wanted to ride it. People were snowboarding, too. Then Fizz was climbing up the mountain again, and got a text message from the instructor that didn't make any sense.

I got the new NIN album that came out yesterday. I paid 5 dollars for a direct download but their servers are completely overloaded, so if you want to get it you might as well go straight for the torrent. (The whole album's CC, so you can download it legally)