tags: trail-dreams, railroad-dreams, mountain-dreams
date: 2008-03-10 15:00
lj-entry-id: 829,91

2008-03-10 15:00 - Entry 1022 - TOGoS's Journal

Thursday night I spent working from home, which was very nice. Friday morning I pretty much skipped work and went to the dentist and then hung out at my folks' place until Saturday morning, when I came home and wasted time trying to get Zend_Search_Lucene to work while Joh introduced Atticus to Pikmin 2, which I started playing early Sunday morning after Luke woke me up with the microwave.

That night I dreampt that I was leading a couple of people to a treasure somewhere. We had to cross a bridge over a river (which felt a bit like crossing Whitney Way at Hammersley), and later walk across a snowy pond, where one of my people fell in. Eventually we gave up and headed back. It was a long walk back.

I was living in a castle, and one of my knights was building tall skinny towers all over to try to defend against our neighbor down the road who was planning to asassinate me. There was only a day left before this guy would come after me, but I wondered if I could build a bunch of walls cutting across nearby roads and through blocks that would trip him up. In this dream, I was Strong Bad.

Dreams from last night:

There was a flat forest of mostly palm trees. The ground was flat, and the trees were mostly the same height, as if I had made a doom level by placing my palm tree thing all over. I was wandering through this for a while, but then it got a bit dark and misty, and I was with my mom and Dawne and Dawne's kids, and the trees were much more variated. I came to one somehwat gnarly tree that was about 3 times as tall as most of the surrounding trees. There was a shoelace hanging from it, and I grabbed the shoelace and swung up into a nook where several large branches came together. Somehow I talked everyone else into coming up there, also. This place was really neat and I wanted to take some pictures of it, but my crappy EasyShare camera could only get really blurry pictures in the dim lighting, and the videos it made had no sound, so I couldn't record my talking about how cool it was as I swung around on the shoelace.

My Mom and Dawne and the kids and I were driving around lake Mendota, which, in the dream, didn't resemble real lake Mendota at all. I kept running off to play in the sand, and I'm not sure what everyone else was up to. There were mountains to the north, and we were in Switzerland, and I really wanted to go climb the mountains, since last time I was in the Alps I didn't get a chance to climb the big ones. Unfortunately I didn't have my boots with me, so I just talked about how I would go climb those mountains if I did have my boots. The mountain resembled one from an earlier dream, and I remembered climbing halfway up to a rocky spot.

I was outside the front entrance of ORE/Toki, and some guy took out a gun and pointed it at me.

The bike path along the old southwest corridor raiload had been worked on much more, and now extended south past the Allied drive area and past some kind of railroad yard and a large neighborhood park before going over a bridge over a lake I wondered if the path would go to this one place that I had walked along the railroad tracks to in a dream I had several years ago.

Fizz and I were going to go check it out. The area down there was an entirely new place for me, so I didn't want to spoil it by exploring it all at once. The park and the neighborhood behind it seemed pretty neat, but I decided I'd save exploring them for when I was with YC. Fizz and I were trying to slide around on inflatable sleds, and there was a guy with us that was using a GameCube controller.