tags: railroad-dreams
date: 2002-07-30 (Tuesday)
subject: Long yellow rope
lj-entry-id: 828,238

Long yellow rope - 2002-07-30 (Tuesday) - Entry 196 - TOGoS's Journal

3 nights ago I had a dream involving burying a computer somewhere and some security guy having me dig it up or point it out or something.

2 nights ago dream: I was stringing a long yellow rope down the railroad tracks. I was somewhere else, and came to another railroad tracks but I saw my rope there, and realized that those tracks and the ones I had been on must be the same. Then some guy killed me with a big gun or somehow drove me out of the town. There was something about a big metal tower that went up to a bridge above the city perpendicular to the railroad tracks. It was like we were playing Quake on the tower or something.

Last night I had a dream in which I was ice-skating on a frozen lake that was covered with snow. We made tracks through the snow with our skates. There were a couple piles of snow or trees or something that we were skating around. I came home and we were making a huge, square, 10 pound pizza in the oven (and the oven was in the living room, facing the door). I accidentally flipped it over, somehow, but Mrs. Nelson came out and helped me turn it right side up. I had messed up the cheese a little bit, but I was able to fix it.