tags: rts-dreams
date: 2008-05-27
subject: Weekend
lj-entry-id: 841,14

Weekend - 2008-05-27 - Entry 1034 - TOGoS's Journal

2008-05-23 (Friday)

YC and I left work early to go check out Bluff Manor apartments. Jon came over and ordered a Wii because he wanted to use the money that was in his Paypal account from selling some of my old software. Then he had me borrow his binoculars.

2008-05-24 (Saturday)

YC and I were going to go to the veggie brat fest at WholeFoods, but I totally forgot and ate a grilled cheese sandwich instead. Then we went biking around the east side a bit looking for more apartments to check out.

I went and visited my folks by myself because YC wanted to stay home and watch TV. They were having rhubarb pie, so I biked down to Cub and bought fake whipped cream (it tasted like regular whipped cream on top of something, but by itself tasted more like store-bought cake frosting).

I also helped Dad a bit with figuring out how to use GumStix Linux.

2008-05-25 (Sunday)

I spent most of the morning and afternoon hanging out at my folks' place reading 'More' and watching Star Trek. Then I biked over to YC to drop off a chunk of the rhubarb pie for her, and we went for a walk and bought chocolate and groceries. Then we came back and watched TV while it rained outside. Meanwhile, Fizz was walking back from a physics adventure in the rain. He later told me that the lightning was really awesome, and that it wasn't really raining that hard, just winding a lot.

That night I had a dream that I was driving along a hillside in a forest with Mom and YC and maybe Heather or one of Dawne's kids. We were trying to find a place to camp. I walked by myself back to a place we had stopped earlier where I had left my stuff, and some guy was there trying to steal it. Normally I would have attacked him with my bike pump, but he had already taken that, so I found a long, skinny bike-pump-like device nearby and used it to knock the bike pump out of his hands so I could grab it and attack him with it, which worked out well (for me).

In another dream I was playing a TA-like game against Joh and Fizz. The units were the size of lego guys, and we were placing them around my parents' kitchen and living room. I had built up a base but I knew that Joh and/or Fizz would come and overrun it pretty soon, so I was researching space travel technology as fast as I could, so I could send my guys to the moon where they would have plenty of room to build a new base that wouldn't be found.

Fizz's mom was talking to us about how Mars was gone now. Apparently it had a large moon that exploded and messed up Mars's orbit so much that it left the solar system.

2008-05-26 (Monday)

I biked home from YC's place and started working on Crumpl a bit. Then I went out and hacked with Fizz and Atticus behind the boathouse at James Madison park for a while, and then we checked out the sweet bathroom there. Then Fizz went to do physics at the terrace with some guys who were planning to sit there and drink all day, so I went back and worked on some waterfalls in Crumpl and that everning Atticus and I went running most of the way to Picnic Point and back. Then I made my waterfall area cooler.