date: 2008-06-13 10:57
subject: Wii, D6.2, Rain
lj-entry-id: 843,7

Wii, D6.2, Rain - 2008-06-13 10:57 - Entry 1036 - TOGoS's Journal

I haven't written much down lately. Last entry noted that I was about to start a crystal mining colony, and now I have that and a stone mining colony and attempting to join some alliance. Also, we have a Wii. We've been trying to play golf in the morning and sometimes YC comes over and plays tennis with us. And I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy. I've also been working on a new browser-based platform game engine whose performance isn't all that great. And I'm sure I had plenty of interesting dreams between then and now that I didn't write down.

Last night I dreampt that we had dug a new room under a part of the basement at my parents' house. My mom was using it as her office or something. It was new year's eve and we were standing around the kitchen being excited because someone special was coming over. I don't know who.

There was another dream where I was trying to get a picture of this bright, yellow, fluffy bird. I was hanging out with a bunch of bird watchers. Jane from the Hillbillies was there telling me how rare this bird was.

A couple nights ago I dreampt that I was taking YC to the house on the rock.

It's rained a lot lately.

We're trying to get an apartment rented= for us starting in August.