tags: trips, europe-trip-dreams, yolu-dreams
date: 2008-10-13
subject: Big cities and camping trips
lj-entry-id: 861,132

Big cities and camping trips - 2008-10-13 - Entry 1055 - TOGoS's Journal

Last weekend (not the one that just ended last night but the one before) YC and I went on the fall colors trip with the Hoofers. As you might expect, I took pictures.

In the week since then I finished work (I think) on Junko MAP16, and have started play testing Junko so that maybe we can release it on doomworld before 2009.

This most recent weekend, while we were visiting my parents' house and before we went apple picking, I had a nice series of dreams:

I started out in London, and I was trying to get into Germany. I was remembering the route A-Day and I had taken from a previous dream that took us through several small towns where we would wander along roads and balconies and through buildings to find the next train or bus station. It wouldn't be as much fun doing it by myself, though.

Next, I was staying in a hostel in a big city in Germany that seemed to also be a library. I had a laptop set up on a table with a bunch of papers scattered all over. It was my last day that I would be staying here and I was wondering if I should go out or stay in and work on some programming project that I kept thinking about. I decided that I might as well go out, since I could program stuff any time. The guy running the place reminded me to pack up my stuff before I left so that someone else could use that table while I was out.

To get around in this city I had to take a bus. There was a highway that went north from the area where the hostel was, up through an area full of skyscrapers, through a few miles of low buildings and residential areas, through an area with larger, more industrial towers, and then out into a suburban area and then into the country. I had been out mostly at night, and had taken a lot of pictures of the skyscrapers all lit up from a sidewalk along the highway, which was raised way up above the ground. Now I was with YC and we took the bus to a large park up north just past the suburbs. We were on a guided tour, and they took us on a boat along the river that wound through the park in a valley that was full of mist and surrounded by foresty hills. There were a lot of neat looking hiking paths, and I told YC that I wished we had more time here so that we could go explore the park more. After we finished the park tour we had to wait around for the bus for a while and then went even further north to the German version of Wal-Mart, because we had to buy some groceries.

Fizz showed up at our hostel, too. It seems like he was travelling a few days behind us, as he hadn't been there before but I wasn't surprised when he showed up. I was telling him how to get around the city and made up names for the different places. I called where we were staying 'downtown', and the skyscraper area to the north was 'uptown'. There might have been a big lake to the south, since I didn't draw anything there on my map.

YC and I were trying to go camping. There was a hill of dirt over to the east of some road where we were planning to set up our tent. We were driving along the road in a red cross truck. I think we were going to go help set up shelters for flood victims or something, though the place we were driving through was pretty dry and desolate.

We were walking down a road and saw a dump truck stopped at a stoplight. I mentioned to YC that I liked the way the wheels were attached, and she ran off to the truck and sat under a metal outcropping on top of the wheel well. I called to her to get off before the truck drove off but she didn't seem to care, and the truck drove off and she rode away on it. Then it changed so that YC was still with me but Yoru was the one who had ridden away on the truck, and now we were wandering back north in the general direction that we thought the truck had gone, on some sidewalk. I was throwing black feathers from a can that YC had collected onto the sidewalk, maybe thinking that the cat would see them and come running, since she liked playing with black feathers. It was raining and I realized that I was just wasting the feathers, since the cat was probably not within sight of the feathers.

We rejoined the red cross people and drove up onto a hill where they were loading suppllies onto trucks. There was a cubish warehouse there and I went inside. The first room was pretty dark, since there weren't any windows or lights. On the side opposite the entrance there were 2 doorways, each leading to another, even darker room. Feeling advenurous, I went into the one on the right. In that room I found a shelf with droors full of screws and nuts and things. Some of them were black. I realized that this was a room shared between Chaos Strikes Back and Dungeon Master, where the creators kept their tools. And then I noticed that there was another, even darker and scarier room to the left of this room. YC followed me in and turned on a yellow light, so all became much less dark and scary, and I went onto the next room, where we found Yoru under a chair.

|          |
|    |     |
|    |_____|
     |y    |   y = Yoru
|    |__  _|
|         s|   s = Shelves
|    |    s|

YC and I went bike riding last night to get groceries and also just to go exploring the east side. We counted yards and by the time we got home I had counted 32 yards with Obama signs, and 8 with McCain signs. In the real world, Obama's only ahead by 8% in the poll of polls, and I'm afraid the Diebold machines are going to eat a lot of that lead. John Kerry's going to be in Madison tomorrow to try to get people to vote early.