date: 2008-09-30 19:00
subject: Did you take the time to realize
lj-entry-id: 860,75

Did you take the time to realize - 2008-09-30 19:00 - Entry 1054 - TOGoS's Journal

Last Wednesday-Friday YC and I went to Chicago. We didn't get free hotel breakfast. We went to the Sears Tower Skydeck and the Museum of Science and Industry and the Field Museum and some other places. We ate at China Town twice and Greek Town (not nearly as Greek as China Town is Chinese) once.

Also I had some dreams about stuff.

In the most recent dream, which was last night, I was hanging out with Fizz and Ben. We were getting pizza from 2 different bars, continually walking between them to check if our pizzas were ready. I had to pee.

I'm pretty sure I had a more notable dream within the past week, but I've forgotten it.