tags: election, democracy, obama, junko, projects
date: 2008-11-06 21:35
subject: A Belated Happy Election Day
lj-entry-id: 864,86

A Belated Happy Election Day - 2008-11-06 21:35 - Entry 1058 - TOGoS's Journal

This flickr set has some pretty good pictures (more here, and there's also a video) from the celebratory march in downtown Madison that I disappointingly missed by a couple of blocks. Word is there'll be some major parties on inauguration day, and I'm putting that on my calendar.

In the land of TOGoS, work on Junko should be coming to a close soonish. I think I just need to finish work on this one secret level, then do some testing. And my mind has been wandering to some new projects, lately:

also awesome. and true.