date: 2008-11-12 (Wednesday)
subject: Thirsty at Stoney Creek Inn
lj-entry-id: 865,233

Thirsty at Stoney Creek Inn - 2008-11-12 (Wednesday) - Entry 1059 - TOGoS's Journal

I'm in La Crosse with Woody and Dmitry for Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Last night we went to Edwardo's Pizza Wagon and ate some yummy food and then came back to Stoney Creek Inn where I went to sleep and made a mess of the pillows.

At first I was dreaming that I was constantly thirsty and kept going to get glasses of ice water. That's not what the dreams were really about, but I don't remember what else was happening, except that towards the end I was outsde running around in a park with lots of bushes with a bunch of little kids.

I woke up at about 3 in the morning and went and drank some water.

In the next dream I had, I was Russ Feingold and I was running for president, and I got elected. Before I actually became president, though, I had to climb up the outside of the Empire State Building. This was something all presidents had to do since George Washington started the tradition, and was why so few people were able to become president. I got help for the first few floors - some officials had built a stack of blue plastic water bottles that I could clmb up on. But when I got to about the 4th floor, they took the stack away and left me hanging onto a window. I didn't see any way I could go any higher so I pulled myself in the window and I ended up standing on a wooden floor that was loosely held together with nails. The floor started falling apart and tipping over under me, so I moved as fast as I could through rooms to get to the other wide of the building, which I hoped would be somewhat more stable. But when I got there I found that that side, too, was falling over. I thought about how that was totally rediculous because I knew the Empire State Building was sturdier than that. Then I was outside looking at it and saw that only the top half had fallen over and become flat.

I was biking around at night on some bike paths on the country side of a highway. I was going to visit YC at her apartment. I found the place and went in and inside were a lot of diagonal hallways and blue and gray carpeting and indirect lighting.

And at some point I had a dream that YC and I had biked to Lodi. It was strange because we hadn't really biked very far, and I remember that even driving there took a while.