date: 2008-12-15 (Monday) 19:20
subject: Adventures on and around S Lake Shore Drive
lj-entry-id: 870,153

Adventures on and around S Lake Shore Drive - 2008-12-15 (Monday) 19:20 - Entry 1066 - TOGoS's Journal


I was racing bikes with Fizz. For some reason we switched back wheels, though. His was much smaller than mine, and having a smaller wheel somehow let me go much faster. We were racing down Reetz and then taking some funny little side road back towards Paul when we came to Hammersley.

A-Day was telling me about the time he had spent in Munich, lately. He was talking about making a spooky lightbulb somewhere that pulsed on and off for Haloween. It sounded like he had a good time and I was a little bit envious. But I was thinking of the time when I was there, and then I was there, and I saw A-Day's light. And actually this place looked nothing like Munich. It sort of resembled the near south side of Chicago, near the lake, but without any tall buildings. There were a lot of highways all over, and buildings under the highways, and grassy parks that went over highways. I had gone out exploring, since that's all I could afford to do. I was walking south, parallel to the edge of the lake (which was maybe 100 yards to the east) and I eventually was in the middle of a clover leaf onramp. The onramp wrapped around a grassy area, and in the middle of the grassy area there was a concrete post holding the highway above, and that post was surrounded by mud. I dug around in the mud until natural gas started bubbling through. I wanted to collect the gas, or something.

Near the light that A-Day had set up all weird was a collection of stores under a bridge. There was one where this really shady guy sold really cheap stuff. I was there, trying to find something cheap to buy. He was showing me some headphones that looked pretty nice. Each side could flip up, so you could listen to music in one ear and hear what was going on outside with the other. Then I looked at the price tag and found out they were 60$. I expressed that I probably wouldn't buy them at that price, and the guy lost all interest in me being in his store. He went out the north exit (which went out into a busy alley - usually I came in through the south side) to talk to some friend of his that had shown up. I thought about stealing the headphones, since I was leaving the city soon and I just remembered that this guy had taken my money without giving me the stuff I had paid for once before when I had shopped at his store. But I was never sure enough that nobody was looking to actually take them.

I dreamt about other places that I found and things that happened when I arrived at and journeyed around the city, but I don't remember any details. At one point I think there was snow.