date: 2008-12-22 (Monday) 21:35
subject: A-Day-based pseudo-LAN party
lj-entry-id: 871,46

A-Day-based pseudo-LAN party - 2008-12-22 (Monday) 21:35 - Entry 1067 - TOGoS's Journal

On Thursday YC and I went to the EarthIT christmas party at Bunky's. There was plenty of food and we all got full. Meanwhile, A-Day was coming to visit and arrived at our apartment with food from Fortune that YC had ordered and Atticus taught him how to play TA. When I got back Atticus and A-Day and I played deathmatch TA for a while, which was really weird and not that fun.

On Friday Fizz came over and the 4 of us coop tested the first 3 levels of Junko while YC went to the library. We got to Base but then it crashed and got all dumb.

On Saturday we all (plus YC, minus Atticus) went sledding at Elver, which was pretty fun. We made chains and loops and 'multi-stage rockets'. Then we went grocery shopping. It was all snowing on us and got really cold. Then we came back to my parents' house for dinner (except Fizz, who went to his own parents' house), and then we drove back to the apt parking lot where the Bens came and picked up Fizz to go to some Pink Floyd cover band thing. We never actually saw the Bens. Then A-Day and YC and I went up to our apt and YC didn't have keys. We called Atticus and he never picked up his phone, so we eventually asked the neighbors if we could go through their apartment and crawl under the divider on the porch. We came and looked at it but there was obviously not enough space, and I didn't want to climb around it because I might die if I tried that. So we continued to call Atticus to ask when he was coming home. Eventually he picked up and came and opened the door for us (he was there already, asleep).

Sunday morning A-Day and Atticus and I played some regular TA, which was a lot more fun that deathmatch TA. Then Atticus left and A-Day and I didn't really know what to do for a while, and then we played Wii sports with YC, and that tank game that Joh likes, and then Fizz came over and we coop tested Junko a different way until A-Day and Fizz had to leave, which was also about when Atticus came back. Then Fizz and A-Day left and I started going to sleep, and then they came back because A-Day's car doors were frozen shut. So we went down and poured hot water in the cracks for a while. But what really helped get the door open was for A-Day to unlock it. My hands got really super cold.

I had a dream that I was travelling around with YC and A-Day. We had a bunch of luggage that we needed to get to another town, and it was too much to carry. There was a railroad between where we were and the town we were trying to get to (maybe it was Dubuque), so I was hanging out at a building with a bunch of railroad workers pretending to be one of them and trying to get them to tell me how to build a really simple little railroad car that we could load all our bags on and push to the next town. It was going to be basically a board with wheels. I was standing around on the tracks one night thinking about the thing I was building, and then I was watching a presentation about all the different kinds of railroad engines that had been invented and built in this town. It was kind of impressive.

Then the railroad workers shed was an olympic stadium in Beijing. I was attending the olympics there. I had to poop, but the toilets weren't in stalls. Later I was walking at night to what seemed like my parents' front yard, and there was some guy that looked like a security guard there. I started talking to him, but he wanted me to talk in Japanese, and I couldn't remember how to say anything in that language. But he actually spoke fluent English once he figured he couldn't talk to me any other way. He got out some sticks and wanted to show me how to fight with them. He kept hitting me in the glasses to remind me how much better at fighting with sticks he was. Then we were on a bus to go back to the stadium, and he started singing Cowgirl to be disruptive. I joined him, because that song is awesome.