tags: train-dreams, zdoom-dreams
date: 2008-12-29 09:30
subject: More random dreams
lj-entry-id: 873,62

More random dreams - 2008-12-29 09:30 - Entry 1069 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was walking on a snowy mountain with Fizz and some girl that was either YC or a friend of Fizz. It reminded me of a path up a mountain that I had been on in earlier dreams. We didn't go very far though. On the way down there was a train coming along some tracks that split into a Y as they approached us. The train looked like it was coming pretty fast so we walked quickly to get across the tracks that were the closest branch of the Y. But the train turned onto the other branch, so we had to scurry more. YC/Fizz friend was a bit behind us, and just barely made it across. The tracks turned and went along side us, and the engineer waved at us as he passed. He had a big red mustache. Then he made a parachute out of a sheet and jumped out the window and flew for a while before landing in the snow.

I also had a dream that I had caught a mouse while YC and I had been out to eat at Casa De Lara, where I had a really hard time picking out what I wanted to eat. Also I had figured out a way to make it look like the restaurant was moving by making the scenery outside the window appear to slide around. I left the mouse in Atticus's care and when I came back after working all night I found that he had dropped the mouse into a gallon jug half full of water. The mouse was lying at the bottom, looking dead, so I fished it out and yelled at Atticus. But then the mouse started moving, and after I got him dried off he seemed OK. So next I had to go find a home for him, so I went to a pet shop and was looking around at the different aquariums and things, carrying the mouse on my head.

And I had one last dream, in which I worked for a company that was developing a fork of the ZDoom engine. To test that it was compatible we'd play this one megawad called "Hel" (nothing to do with Junko MAP06), and there were a few really hard bugs we were working on. We used this particular megawad because it used about a zillion different and weird ZDoom features like high-res textures and new weapons and stuff.