tags: obama-dreams, rtsg-dreams, yc-dreams
date: 2008-12-26
subject: Christmas 2008 is finished
lj-entry-id: 872,52

Christmas 2008 is finished - 2008-12-26 - Entry 1068 - TOGoS's Journal

Christmas morning I had a dream that YC was high on meds and trying to kill herself by jumping off a balcony in our apartment building (which didn't really resemble our apartment building or its surroundings except in that it had 7 floors and a balcony). I was trying to stop her, but it was very hard because she was crazy and wouldn't listen to anything I said, and then she locked me out. I decided to go to a lower level (it was hard to tell where the lowest level of the building was because about a floor and a half at the bottom were snowed in) and climb up the side of the balcony to get to her. I finally got up there and then she stabbed me with a syringe of some kind of muscle relaxant. I took it out right away so I wasn't totally paralyzed, and then I was able to use it on her and drag her back inside.

For Cristmas YC and I got a can opener, matching (sorta) hats and gloves, and one of Mom's jewel art things for our wall. I also got rechargeable batteries and a charger and a Patriot XT thumb drive (actually what happened was I bought 4 of these - 2 for my brother (who hasn't showed up, yet), and 2 for me. I gave one to YC to give to me, and the other I'm saving to maybe give to Dawne or something). I probably got some other things, too.

Last night I dreamt that I was taking a dance class at that yoga place where we went to see Adam's wife and friends do their modern dance show. The only part that was notable was that Barack Obama was in the class, too.

Also I was doing stuff on Ikariam, but it was more like a RTSG, and there were were rivers and continents and more interesting things in the cities. I had made a few mages, and some jerk came around with dragons trying to fry everything and my mages just barely killed him with some blue magic missles. I think that left a lot of dragon meat lying around that I was trying to figure out what to do with. Also I had to build more defensive units for next time I got attacked, since one of my mages was dead and the otherone almost dead.