date: 2009-02-12 (Thursday) 11:00
subject: Italian/Chinese restaurant
lj-entry-id: 879,237

Italian/Chinese restaurant - 2009-02-12 (Thursday) 11:00 - Entry 1076 - TOGoS's Journal

Yesterday the power went out at work and for a while wasn't coming back on, so I went home and worked on some Doom levels and some Freenet sites all day.

Last night I had the following dreams:

We were still at Delta Lodge, but the cabins were in a hilly field surrounded by woods instead of being directly in the woods. The snow was really deep, and Big John's cabin had a basement that they couldn't get into because of all the snow, so they dug a stairwell down to the basement door. Some people thought it was a bad idea because the snow would collapse on them (even though the sides weren't very steep), so I said that I thought it was a great idea.

I was hanging out in the living room playins some really frustrating civilization-like game. It was frustrating because I was trying to move a bunch of troops and some resources around but it was taking forever and I was getting tired of it and wanted to go do something else. YC was talking about how she was so excited about going to Delta Lodge, which I didn't understand because we had just come back from Delta Lodge a few weeks earlier. I thought maybe she was going back there with another group.

We were going to go eat at some fancy Chinese restaurant. On the way out of our apartment building (which in the dream was more like a hotel and had a big shiny lobby) I realized I had left my watch in our room and went back upstairs to get it. After I went up, Courtney's mom showed up behind me and I said hi, and then she asked me why I hadn't said thank you. I said that I didn't have anything against saying thank you, but in this case I didn't know what she expected me to thank her for. I wondered if she had opened the door at the bottom of the stairs for me and I had just not noticed because I was too busy thinking about what I had to go back to get.

Eventually YC and I made it into the restaurant and got a table, which wasn't really our own table, but a section of a longer table with other people siting on either side of us, kind of like the tables in my Chemistry class in 10th grade. When we started getting our food YC did some calculations on her hand and said "Oh no, this food is going to cost us like 50 dollars!". I figured it didn't matter too much since we don't go out to eat that often. Sure enough, they brought the bill along with the food and it was 49$. This was a weird Chinese restaurant. We got slices of funny little pizza and some lasagna and water and tea. There were also some french fris off to our left that I thought were ours but YC told me they belonged to the people next to us.

I think it would be a good idea to buy a house, but I don't feel like actually looking for one.