date: 2009-02-22
tags: obama-dreams, elevator-dreams, canada-dreams
subject: Mind is elsewhere, today
lj-entry-id: 880,235

Mind is elsewhere, today - 2009-02-22 - Entry 1077 - TOGoS's Journal

Several nights ago I dreampt that Barak Obama got sick and died. I figured it was because he worked too hard and didn't get enough sleep. I was pretty upset about this.

Saturday morning I dreampt that I was biking home to my parents' house on the bike path and started thinking about the structure of git repositories. I decided I needed to move some files up an elevator in our apartment, which in the dream had 12 floors. For some reason it didn't stop at 6, but when up to the 12th, where some lady got on. I hit the 6 button to make sure that it would stop there on the way down. The elevator didn't move. Then after about 15 seconds it made a loud buzzing sound, like there was something wrong, and then we were in freefall. I figured we'd go splat for sure when we hit the bottom, and when we reached the point where I guessed the bottom was I woke up violently.

Last night I dreampt that I was with a group of people (mostly college kids, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were also with us, and there were therefore a bunch of secret service guys with us, too) visiting somewhere in Canada. We had been staying in a town (and I didn't remember how or when we got there or how long we stayed, though I had beed thinking about it a lot), and now we were driving off to the northeast. We passed a lot of farms and bluffs. I was talking about an idea I had about buying some land on the side of a hill and digging my house into it. Barack (who was driving the car I was sitting in the back seat of) responded by telling me a story about how a certain kind of ice cream bar that he could only find at one gas station (which we were approaching) had become his favorite ice cream bar, even though it had a lot of fat and sugar in it (when we finally got to the gas station we all got one, and the inside of the bar resembled the 'Americone Dream' ice cream that I had last week more than anything).