date: 2010-01-13
subject: Alphabetical quarters
lj-entry-id: 923,60

Alphabetical quarters - 2010-01-13 - Entry 1125 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt that I was walking on a road with YC after sunset. I was looking across a field to some distant hills on the other side of the road. The electric lights on the buildings on the hill were shades of yellow and red that looked like a sunset through some kind of grating. I mentioned it to YC, but when I looked back the lights had gone out. And I said "well that's interesting, too". The lights had gone out where we were, too. Then everything lit up with red flashes from firetrucks and police cars. Aliens came down from the sky and made everyone line up and give their names. They put us in a dorm, sorted into rooms alphabetically by last name. I wandered over to the 'N's to visit the Nelsons.

Last week I flew out to LA and hung out there with YC for a bit, then drove back with her and Yoru through Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa. She stayed in Madison for a few days and we had fancy dinner every night (hot pot, spaghetti, and Uno's). We also went sledding and shopping at Target and got free birthhday mugs at Nitty Gritty.