date: 2010-01-27 (Wednesday) 13:30
subject: Sub-porch hideout, multiplicity
current-music: Apoptygma Berzerk - Katy's Song
lj-entry-id: 925,152

Sub-porch hideout, multiplicity - 2010-01-27 (Wednesday) 13:30 - Entry 1126 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt a couple nights ago about YC's car. I had driven it to the top of some kind of sandy island. I had gone there to get a red keycard or something. But the ground was falling apart under the car and it got stuck, and I had to leave it there. I went back into town (town was some corrugated sheet metal buildings, including a car fixery) and was looking for someone to help me get the car unstuck. There were big brown monkey-like creatures that would run after you and try to eat you sometimes, and at this point one of them came running down the road at me. I ducked through some alleys around the car fixery and lost him at a creek. I eventually made it home, which was under a porch, where I had a small fire in a coffee can and a TV.

Last night I dreamt that Fizz made a clone of himself. Some neighbors across and down a couple doors on Paul from his parents' had a machine that could to that. They had to do inject some chemical into you that made you dead while the clone was being made, so it was a little bit scary. But he made it through OK, and then there were 2 of him. Then I was trying to convince Mary to get a clone. We walked through a cafeteria.

My basement was 3 levels deep and a maze. People would pay me to get to go through it. At the entrance/exit there was a 3-story room with stairs along the walls and balconies.

At the end of the dream I cloned myself. It was exciting because I was going to be able to do twice as much stuff, but it was kind of awkward passing my clone on the stairs.