subject: Wake up the dreamer
date: 2010-03-03 (22:00)
lj-entry-id: 930,122

Wake up the dreamer - 2010-03-03 (22:00) - Entry 1131 - TOGoS's Journal

Fizz and I released Junko last week. Posted on ZDoom forums, got some cloud guy being a jerk about some offhand comment I made about the Doomworld reviewers only liking things that are like Doom 2. Added Enjay to credits and posted on /idgames. I don't think it's out of /incoming, yet.

At work I'm supposed to be taking over the POI-subscription and credit-card-charging part of the CruizinUSA site from Woody. Meanwhile Pitt's always getting on my case about (not) working on cart.

I dreamt sometime last week about visiting a lake up north (reminded me of some other driving-up-north dreams I've had over the past few years). There were railroad tracks along the side of the lake, and I was making paintings of the scenery. I brushed a bunch of green trees together and Adam told me that I should add some brown, so I did, and the brown made it look way better.

Last night or so I had a dream that the UW hospital was a movie theater, and that for some reason that section of the city belonged to Iran. I thought of the days when you could get to it from the south (now blocked off - we had to come in from the west) when it wasn't owned by Iran, and how that was so much better. We went in because we were trying to see some movie. There was a concrete wall blocking some alley. I didn't like the feel of that place so turned right around. We went through the parking ramp and were looking across the alley between that and the hospital/movie theater at the movie posters. None of them looked interesting. We started heading out and I insisted that we take a different route back than we had come in, but then we ended up taking the same route back through one section, where I got ambushed by a guy with some kind of injection needle. I woke up and there was some kind of contraption on my head. Fortunately I woke up before they started torturing me.

Today my schedule said to run 5 miles, but I ran 6. I even had a blister on my foot. That's how awesome I am. I'm at work late because I have to work on Cruizin and Aaron ordered us a pizza.

I feel like writing about stuff that happened in November as if it were news. Like about that weird stuff we found while clearing out YC's desk.