tags: zdoom-dreams
subject: Catwalk dreams
date: 2010-03-23 (Tuesday) 19:00
lj-entry-id: 935,243

Catwalk dreams - 2010-03-23 (Tuesday) 19:00 - Entry 1136 - TOGoS's Journal

I think the place I was imagining was supposed to be somewhere on the UW-Platteville campus. Maybe behind Glenview and the dorms, though it resembled that area only by having hills and a forest, not in actual layout. There was wall separating some high ground from some low ground that zig-zagged at right angles a few times. I had some kind of plan about hiding in the woods at the top of the wall and spying on people from there with my dad. We ran out there at night. When we reached the wooded area it became a square courtyard with a shaded area under the walls like I might make in a ZDoom level. And there was a security camera pointing backwards and up from the wall, and we could see the view from it on a TV. It showed a part of the sky that was too high for us to look at, and it looked like a big square of ceiling. We flipped a switch and the ceiling raised up (into the sky). This startled us very much and we jumped into the area under the wall. Apparently there were physicists in this universe, because someone was telling me that the ceiling raising up into the sky was going to answer many of their questions (as if they didn't already know that they were living in a ZDoom level).

There was a hill with a road. The road curved back and forth a bit with suburban houses on each side, and the hill was long enough to make biking up it a bit of a pain. I was there because Adam was throwing a party, and this was his neighborhood. I found another road, a dead-end, that branched off the first one near the bottom, back up the hill. I ran into Jen and Pitt before finding Adam's house somwhere along that dead-end.

Adam's house turned out to be some kind of fortress/space port with multiple floors and rooms lined with TVs. I made it up to the roof, which had a large donut-shaped mound in the middle and space ships flying out. I thought I'd call Joh because he'd like this game. He was on his way over. I found a chute barely big enough for me to fit into and figured it must come out somwhere good and hoped it wouldn't get all narrow and get me stuck. I did get stuck halfway down, but managed to not freak out and it turned out it was because Joh was climbing up the tube I was going down. He was very small. We unstuck and slid the rest of the way to the bottom, into one of the TV rooms.