tags: mountain-dreams, ice-dreams, journey-dreams
subject: Something about today seems surreal, but I can't quite put my
finger on it.
date: 2010-04-09 14:09
lj-entry-id: 938,58
current-music: web1223 radio, which includes The Smiths and Erasure

Something about today seems surreal, but I can't quite put my finger on it. - 2010-04-09 14:09 - Entry 1139 - TOGoS's Journal

Title refers to yesterday. I've been working too hard for the past month and I think today I just finally came out of that mode. This morning I went to the dentist and my teeth are still fine, as far as he can tell.

Last week was all warm and nice. This week it rained, which was cool, but then it got all cold. 2 nights ago it snowed. Yesterday I sat at the front window and watched it melt while making the new Schweser Mock Multimedia Review Mini Cart thing work. I brought out the computer speakers to the living room so Yoru could listen to music with me while I worked. I listened to friends' last.fm stations, which was more enjoyable than I expected.

A few nights ago I dreamt that I had to go meet some Anime person. Maybe the cat was with me. It was kind of a long journey and I had to go through all these different places. I was driving the car and had to go through mountains. There were some really perilous parts and a place where I drove up a tower but then the road suddenly ended and dropped me off the tower into a deep valley between mountains. But in the back of my mind I knew that I was still in control, and made the road ease back out from the vertical wall behind me until I was level again. Then I continued on.

There was an earlier dream, also about being on a mountain. I had been up and down this one once before, so it was somewhat familar. I started at the top and was working my way down. This secion wasn't really like a mountain, though. There were some rocks I had to climb down over, and big square tunnels to go through, but after coming out of all that, there was a walkway leading down to the top of the actual mountain. Like, I don't know what this big floaty thing I had to find my way through was, but it was only part of the journey.

I don't remember what the dream I had last night was about other than there were these big round beams of ice sticking out from like a big ice tree. You had to be careful walking on them, not because they were slippery and you might fall off (there was actually like a groove down the middle that I was walking in), but because there were crevasses and weak points that you could fall into.