date: 2010-04-27 (Tuesday) 15:52
subject: Sierra Nevada
tags: driving-dreams, travel-dreams
lj-entry-id: 943,4

Sierra Nevada - 2010-04-27 (Tuesday) 15:52 - Entry 1144 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night dreamt that I was driving with my mom in the area south of Madison. We spent a lot of time passing through Fitchburg on the way in and out.

Later I was driving with YC through a mountain range. It was night time, and there were very large tunnels (many stories high) through the rock with lights attached to the ceiling. I had my new camera (ordered but not yet recieved IRL) with me and was trying to take pictures of the tunnel. After going through I think we had to turn around because there was a hotel we decided to stay at for the night.