tags: et-colony-dreams, subway-dreams, mary-dreams
date: 2010-07-17 0:28
subject: There's something special behind those doors
lj-entry-id: 954,172

There's something special behind those doors - 2010-07-17 0:28 - Entry 1158 - TOGoS's Journal

On Tuesday I took Timmy to Ultrazone. We played 3 games. I won the last one. It was pretty fun.

The rest of this post is all dreams.

There was a human colony on Mars or Europa or somewhere. The low gravity made escalators really cheap, so there were escalators everywhere. I don't remember where they led to, though.

I was visiting Mary at her apartment (I have never been there so it was completely imaginary). She was working on some homework and I asked her what it was. She said it was about conic sections, and she looked unhappy. I said "those don't make any sense at all."

While she did conic sections homework behind a partition I was sitting with Fizz and Chris Morrow. Someone gave us chocolate bars, but I thought they looked like guitars, and I said so, and was made fun of. But I played one like a guitar (as well as I can do that), so I was convinced that it really was guitars.

Fizz and I had dentist appointments. He was driving us there. But we stopped at a party downtown. I guess it was Mary's graduation party. Too many people showed up because everyone loves Mary so much. It was enough of a problem that she had to go hide. I was wandering around trying to find her, while some annoying friend of hers kept telling me that I shouldn't find her because I'm not her brother. This made me mad because she was helping Chris, and Chris isn't Mary's brother, either.

I wandered into a corner grocery store, where someone pointed out the window to a doorway across the street and said "I think there's something special behind those doors." The doors were open and there were some steps up into a short tunnel through the building, and there was someone standing there with a huge bag draped over over them, shaking hands (through the bag, I guess) with everyone in the crowd that had gathered, there. I assumed that was Mary and went over to say hi.

Afterwards I was heading back to the car in the rain. I got distracted when I found out that I could wall jump between 2 buildings up to the roof.

I woke up in the green bedroom at my parents' house and got on the computer. I had set up some kind of remote desktop between some Linux machines and was streaming music between them. It worked surprisingly well. I worried that my mom would have to bug me to get up and go to school (or the dentist) and so I headed upstairs. When I got to the kitchen she told me to take the compost out, but my hands were already full of pizza so I told her she'd have to wait until I put down or ate the things that were in my hands.

I was in Taiwan with Fizz and Brose. I guess I had been visiting YC but now we were on our way out. There was one big subway system that you could take to get around the island, and we were using it to get to the airport. At one point I led them down some stairs towards a train so I could take pictures of people getting on the train, but Brose thought that it was our train. I was yelling to him for a while to come back up the stairs with us before he realized that.

I was going to help some lady set up a web site or something. She was telling me I was going to have to work with some friend of hers who was also an opera singer. I thought she might be talking about Matthew, and I thought that would be neat to work with him on something that wasn't Schweser.