date: 2010-07-23 (Friday) 21:24
subject: TortoisePlink
tags: programming, git, tortoiseplink, php, eclipse, tomato-dreams
lj-entry-id: 955,99

TortoisePlink - 2010-07-23 (Friday) 21:24 - Entry 1159 - TOGoS's Journal

I spent an hour this morning fighting with this, so for your reference:

Symptom: You can use Putty to SSH to your server just fine. You have configured Git to use plink.exe instead of ssh.exe. But when you try to push or pull over SSH you get the crytic error message of fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly without even a password prompt!

Solution: This is due to Git calling plink with -batch, which apparently makes plink not prompt you for a password and automatically quit if one is needed (though it will work if you have some automatic authentication set up using pageant). Install TortoiseSVN and configure Git to use TortoisePlink.exe instead!

*   *   *

In other news, I had a dream last night about tomatoes growing in my garden. I don't remember the details.

And I've started a new to-be-open-source project at work using PHP 5.3. While I'd rather use something other than PHP (anything but PHP! ack) the namespace support and anonymous functions are nice and make work somewhat less painful.

Oh, and as far as I'm concerned at this point, PDT > PHPEclipse (PDT supports new 5.3 syntax, PHPEclipse does not).