date: 2010-08-16 (Monday) 23:10
tags: north-korea-dreams, road-trip-dreams, river-dreams, weather
lj-entry-id: 959,43

2010-08-16 (Monday) 23:10 - Entry 1163 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt that I was driving with Fizz and some other people. We had been visiting China, but now were headed into North Korea. I was all like 'omgwth are we doing omg let's turn around guys', but we went in anyway. We ended up having to go through some locker rooms.

Next night I dreamt about a bend in a river. We were maybe some post-apocalyptic commune, and we had a guard tower and a shack full of tools down there. Sometimes Fizz and I would go down there at night and...look at the tools in the shed, or play with the boats, or something.

Later in the week I had yet more different dreams.

Fizz left for Colorado with his family on Saturday morning. Over the weekend did some work work and mowed the lawn. At at the folks' house. Watched 2012 with Wendy and decided it wasn't that bad a movie. It had been hot but cooled down and I got to sleep with a blanket last night. Yoru came and snuggled with me for the first time in a while. ^_^

This evening before it got dark I did some work on my laptop in the driveway.