date: 2010-08-20 (Friday) 19:50
tags: rts-dreams, ta-dreams, mary-dreams, waterfall-dreams,
delorean-dreams, jamie-dreams
lj-entry-id: 961,179

2010-08-20 (Friday) 19:50 - Entry 1165 - TOGoS's Journal


I was hanging out with the Waltons at a park with a waterfall. You could hang out on top of the waterfall if you were careful not to slip. Mary decided to jump off of it into the river below. We were all like "No don't do that!" but she did anyway and disappeared into the water. We looked down and didn't see her anywhere, but the waterfall didn't go straight down, either. After going over the top it crashed down a rocky slope for a few yards.

The water at the bottom was now a parking lot. I was wandering through it, looking all over to try to find her. It was a very large area, and I think I spotted groups of jerks hanging around. It didn't seem likely that I'd find her, since she was probably killed by hitting those rocks, but I kept looking. A few times I saw someone that I thought might be her, but it never was. One of them turned out to be Liz.

Eventually I reached the south end of the parking lot. The entire area was a really large TA map. Large, I thought, because I had been wandering for a long time and hadn't yet come to an edge. There was a canal running to the south (where I figured the edge of the map must be, but didn't think to check that out) and to the east along the edge of the parking lot. I built a shipyard, or else I had one there already. I built an aircraft carrier and a large submarine which I wasn't enturely sure what it did. I was slowly working my way east along the canal, around some islands with palm trees, when I started getting shot at by some enemy ships that were just barely out of view. My submarine was doing a pretty good job blowing them up with torpedos, but it was getting hurt pretty bad, too, so I sent it and my carrier and a bunch of mobile (not sure if they were floating in the water or flying) clamshell-shaped robots (whose purpose I was also not quite sure of) eastward as fast as I could. That seemed to work out okay - we stopped getting shot at for the time being.

I guess I was riding on top of the aircraft carrier as we went east. There was jungle to the south and some fairly straight, tall cliffs to the north. I kept being impressed by the size of the map, and wondered how far into south the jungle went. The east end of the map that I was sailing into seemed relatively unpopulated. I had thoughts of settling down and building an awesome base here...

It seemed the carrier could actually build planes (slowly), but once again I wasn't entirely sure what kind of planes it was building. They were kind of far and bulky. Maybe construction planes? Or maybe Rapiers. Or some cross between? I had built one and thought I saw it shoot off a couple of missles at something before it disappeared. Probably picked a fight with someone's air defenses.

Eventually I reached the east end of the canal. It seemed like the east edge of the map was pretty close by. Maybe there was a long straight wall there. I got off the boat and started walking north through a pass in the cliffs and into a grassy field with a path through it. It was a very plesant place. And there was Mary. I was pretty overjoyed to see her. I told her that we all thought she was dead and she should come back home.

We went north, I guess to avoid the baddies I had run into in the canal. The path turned into a paved road, and it seemed we were going through a park. There were some cars parked along the side, and some people on motorcycles going by. Then we met some German guy. Apparently the Germans were taking over this side of the map as like a colony. He explained that that's why the road was so rough. The core of their civilization was off on the west end of the map near everyone else. Mary said something to him half in German and half in English. Apparently we got into some kind of dispute, because I then punched him in the face, really hard. This area was not safe for us. We ran back south to the meadow.

Now I was thinking really hard about how to get Mary home. The Germans from the north were now coming after us so we had to act quick. My aircraft carrier was still in the middle of building the Rapier/construction plane and I didn't think that'd be enough to fight off an attack on us. My clamshell construction/radar/solar panel bots had attached themselves to the sides of the cliffs and were just kind of hanging out. I didn't know how to make use of them. I decided the canal guys would be waiting for me in the canal, and that the safest thing to do would be to build a transport plane and airlift her over the cliffs. Hopefully there wouldn't be any guns up there.

This plan turned out to actually work. I was personally flying the plane (or maybe I was the plane. Or a bee). I was carrying Mary in a used coffee creamer container (the kind you get at restaurants). I dropped her off at her parents' house and said something to the effect of "voila! here she is, safe and sound." But I guess she had turned into an ant. That's all that was inside the container. This must be a bit disappointing to mom and dad, I thought. But I had work to do back in the southeast corner of the map, and headed out immediately, looking back to see sad and confused expressions on their faces.

*   *   *

I woke up, felt too tired to go to work yet, and went back to sleep.

I guess I lived in a tallish apartment building. On the first floor there was a parking garage. Someone had parked their DeLorean in it. I was making a movie. Jamie showed up at some point. I was doing something cool with the video, like it was going to be flying into my house. I thought this movie I was making was going to be so great.